Warning Signs That It's Time to Outsource Your Small Business Accounting

A woman holding her face with her hands while another woman consoles her.

Running a small business requires a certain level of tenacity, resilience, and a jack-of-all-trades attitude. Often, small business owners find themselves juggling various roles, including that of an accountant. But with time, as your business grows, the task of managing your own books can become not only daunting but also detrimental to your business's growth and sustainability. This blog post aims to help you identify the warning signs indicating that it's time for your small business to stop managing its own books.

  1. Accounting tasks are dominating your time.

    One of the earliest warning signs is when you find yourself spending more time than you can afford on accounting tasks. Bookkeeping and financial management tasks can be time-consuming, and if these tasks are eating into the time, you should be spending on strategic planning, marketing, or customer relations, it might be time to consider outsourcing your accounting.

  2. You're consistently behind on your books.

If you're always playing catch-up with your financial records, this could be a sign that managing your own books is no longer sustainable. Timely bookkeeping is essential not just for regulatory compliance but also for making well-informed business decisions.

  3. Mistakes are becoming common.

    Everyone makes mistakes, but frequent errors in your bookkeeping could indicate that you're overwhelmed or lack the necessary expertise. Even minor mistakes can have significant consequences, leading to misjudged financial decisions or even IRS penalties.

  4. You're not taking full advantage of tax deductions.

    An experienced accountant is well-versed in tax laws and can help you maximize your deductions. If you find that you're frequently paying high taxes or not taking advantage of all possible deductions, it's time to consider hiring an expert.

  5. You don't understand your financial statements.

    If you find yourself confused by your balance sheet, income statement, or cash flow statement, this is a clear indication that you need assistance. To make smart business decisions, you need to understand your financial position, which is precisely what these statements are for.

  6. Your business is growing rapidly.

Growth is great news, but it often comes with increased financial complexity. If your business is experiencing fast growth, you might find yourself dealing with financial challenges that you're not equipped to handle, such as increased payroll, more complex tax obligations, or the need for better cash flow management.

  7. You're facing an audit.

Audits can be intimidating, and handling them without expert help is not advisable. If your business is being audited, it's high time to bring in a professional accountant.

  8. Planning for the future is difficult.

Accountants don't just look at where your business is now, they also help you plan for the future. If you're having trouble with strategic financial planning or setting attainable financial goals, it may be time to outsource your accounting.

  9. You're not complying with financial regulations.

Compliance with financial regulations is critical, and not being up to speed can lead to penalties or legal troubles. If you're uncertain about your compliance status, it's an urgent sign to hire a professional.

Recognizing and responding to these warning signs can help ensure your small business's financial health and long-term success. Remember, your core business should always be your primary focus; don't let accounting tasks divert you from your growth trajectory. Professional accountants can not only manage your books but also provide valuable financial advice and insights to propel your business forward.

**If you need assistance with your specific situation, please connect with the BATS Xpress team directly.